What is the meaning of MediShvi ?

MEDI = Medical. You start your journey to get into
medical college with us .
ShVi = in Sanskrit, it means ‘To grow’ or ‘moving towards’.

Thus, You will grow intellectually and you will be moving towards your dream college with us. ShVi also takes the initials of Shefali Vyas and Vikas Vyas – founders and partners in real life and Medishvi Educators LLP.


What do you do at MediShVi for students? Explain in short.

At MediShVi, we try to create homely atmosphere, where every student feels valued.  

Along with excellent teaching techniques, we believe in regular testing with same day results, offering intellectually made papers by Vikas sir himself that challenge students on both concept comprehension and content knowledge that analyse preparation of student and leaves a scope to improve for student.

That’s how we extract extraordinary  results by nurturing each student to perform beyond their own abilities.

As result of NEET and admission in medical college is ultimate in this journey, on what basis you can say that students perform their best under guidance of Vikas sir and Shefali ma’am ?

Till July 2023 A.D., in NEET, biology,
28 students scored FULL marks (360/360)HIGHEST in INDIA
under guidance of Vikas sir and Shefali ma’am. It is perhaps the best Result for
any coaching in INDIA.

Consistently, since years, more than 75% of our students get admission in MBBS college every year. It is perhaps best Placements for any coaching in INDIA.

We - TEAM MediShVi - are here to guide you to achieve your dream of getting into Medical college as we believe in philosophy of “Sabka achha result is Sabse achha result”.

Write a brief on Shefali ma’am.

Write a brief on Shefali ma’am.

With unwavering commitment, Shefali ma’am motivates students personally to realize their full potential and go even further.

She provides genuine support for academic scores and emotional well-being of students and their Parents, offering honest guidance infused with love and care.
Shefali Vyas

Write a note on Vikas sir.

Write a note on Vikas sir.

With a unique teaching style and more than 20 years of experience, Vikas sir is a dynamic educator who harness power of interactive and vibrant teaching methods to bring Biology to life.

With a treasure trove of pictures and visuals with
interactive panel board, learning becomes a fun and engaging journey in his classroom.

Vikas Vyas

A strong foundational understanding ensures that all concepts are crystal clear. Clever tricks, mnemonics and stories related to real life aid in memorization.

With a dash of humor, learning biology becomes both effective and enjoyable caving path for securing admission in medical college.